Understanding the world

Masks Poster Pack 1: Protective Masks
This is Set 1 (containing 13 posters) of the Types of Masks Poster Pack, a collection of over 40 posters in three packs depicting a range of different types of masks from around the world. Set 1's thirteen posters are organised into two groups. Group one is protective masks found in common occupations and includes Beekeeper, Welder, Astronaut, Diver, Police Officer, Firefighter and Cleaner. The second group covers medical protective masks and includes Surgeon, Nurse, Dentist, Hospital Visitor and Medical researcher. An introductory poster contains background information.
A PowerPoint presentation is included with all the main photographs and the text.
Each poster features a large, photograph highlighting the mask in context. A smaller photograph shows variations on that style of mask. A small information box details the masks use and function.
The mask set was designed with the Drama teacher in mind as part of a comprehensive collection of masks.Masks can be integrated into many other areas of the curriculum and would be useful as topic starters in English, discussions of occupations and careers in HASS, models for Design and technology or for creative play and art work.
Pack 2 will focus on Recreational Masks such as Hockey, Fencing and Paintballing. Pack 3 will focus on masks in entertainment such as the theatre and movies. Pack 4 will be a Cultural pack and look at ethnic and historical masks.

Puppet Poster Pack 2 - Puppets Around the World.
A set of ten large posters for classroom display depicting puppets from around the world. Each poster features a colourful closeup photograph of the type of puppet, a brief description, a detail photo and a thumbnail map of the world depicting its location. An introductory poster provides an overview of the puppets and their locations around the world. Each poster also has a QR code that links to relevant web resources The pack would be useful for primary / lower secondary classroom displays, as stimulus pictures for project based learning or Arts units, or as reference material.

Puppet Poster Pack 1 - Types of Puppets
A set of ten large posters for classroom display depicting different types of puppets including hand puppets, rod puppets, marionettes and claymation. Each poster features a large, colourful closeup photograph of the type of puppet, a brief description and smaller photos of variations on that type. An introductory poster provides a definition and background with an illustrated list of the types of puppets in the pack. The pack would be useful for primary / lower secondary classroom displays, as stimulus pictures for project based learning or Arts units, or as reference material.